We offer a 30-day return policy, allowing you to request a return within 30 days of receiving your item.

To be eligible for a return, the item must be in its original condition and in its original packaging. You will also need to provide the receipt or proof of purchase. Return shipping costs are at your own expense.

How to Start a Return

To initiate a return, please contact us at koreanonease@outlook.com. Items sent back without prior authorization will not be accepted. Please send the package via courier and provide us with the tracking number.


Refund Process

In the event of a return, we will refund all payments received from you, excluding the costs of delivering the goods, without delay and no later than 10 business days from the day we receive your return package. Once your return is received and inspected, we will notify you via email about the approval or rejection of your refund.

Approved refunds will be processed using the same payment method as the original transaction unless you agree to a different method. No fees will be incurred for this refund.

Consumer Complaint - Faulty Product

If the goods purchased from us are defective, you have the right to make a claim. You can demand:

  • Replacement with a defect-free item.
  • Price reduction.

Complaints can be reported within 7 days of noticing the defect but must be submitted before the warranty period expires. We will respond to your complaint within 7 days from the date we receive your notification.


Standard Address for Returns (if confirmed by Customer Support after receiving your proof of purchase):

Business Name: Bonnet Queen

Address: 727 BREA CANYON RD STE 7, Walnut, California, 91789, United States

Email Support: koreanonease@outlook.com